Daily at Home Health Screening & Reporting

Slowing the spread and keeping our students and staff health will require your daily support. While our team will be trained to visually screen for symptoms, and our students will be trained to self-report symptoms should they arise, your daily screening will be key to our success. You know your child, their health history, and their moods. Additionally, you are aware of their normal body temperature and are best equipped to detect any changes day to day. To help slow the spread & limit exposure of our students and staff to COVID-19, students must not come to school if they exhibit any of the following symptoms.*

Prior to work, staff shall screen themselves with the following questions:

  1. Do you have any of the following?
    – Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, or chills;
    – Cough
    – Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing;
    – Muscle or body aches;
    – Headache;
    – New loss of taste or smell;
    – Sore throat;
    – Change in congestion or runny nose, not related to allergies;
    – Vomiting;
    – Diarrhea
    *This list may not include all possible symptoms. The CDC will continue to update this list as more is learned about COVID-19. Anyone with daily runny nose or congestion due to chronic allergies may report to the site.*
  2. Since you were last at work have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?
    – Yes
    – No
  3. Have you had close contact with (within 6 feet for at least 10 minutes) with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or has any health department or health care provider been in contact with you and advised you to quarantine?
    – Yes
    – No
  4. Have you travelled to a place listed at Level 3 risk by CDCs Geographic Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Transmission?
    – Yes
    – No

If anyone has any of these symptoms, they should stay home, stay away from other people, contact a healthcare provider, and get tested, if possible. 

If you have answered “yes” to any questions above, experienced any of the listed symptoms or have a temperature reading of 100.4 or higher, please remain at home and contact your site.


Staff must self-report symptoms to the site administrator and must stay home if they have any symptoms present or have a household member who has contracted COVID-19.

Staff are required to report a positive COVID-19 test for themselves, or any person residing with in the household.

If you are screening at the worksite because you are feeling sick, exit your worksite with your face cover/mask in place and contact your supervisor for further instructions.

Ways to Manage Health at Home

  • Stay home from work and away from other public places. If you must go out, avoid using any kind of public transportation, ridesharing, or taxis.
  • Monitor your symptoms. If your symptoms get worse, call your healthcare provider immediately. For medical emergencies, call 911 and notify the dispatch personnel that you have or may have COVID-19.
  • Remember to get rest and stay hydrated, cover your cough and sneezes, wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • If you have a medical appointment, call the healthcare provider ahead of time and tell them that you have or may have COVID-19.
  • Cover your mouth and note with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, promptly throw away used tissue and immediately wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • As much as possible, stay in a specific room, away from other people in your home and use a separate bathroom, if available. If you need to be around other people, wear a facemask if you are symptomatic. Avoid sharing personal items with others like dishes, towels, and bedding. You should wear a cloth face covering, over your nose and mouth, if you must be around other people or animals, including pets (even at home).
  • Clean all surfaces that are touched often, like counters, tabletops, and doorknobs. Use household cleaning sprays or wipes according to the label instructions.
  • Given the statewide push for testing, we encourage staff to get tested, if they are exhibiting COVID-19 like symptoms.